for HD Chorea in Adults

Go about
your day
reduced involuntary movements1

Once-daily AUSTEDO XR (deutetrabenazine) extended-release tablets contains the same active ingredient
as twice-daily AUSTEDO (deutetrabenazine) tablets. Data on this page is based on twice-daily dosing. 1

In a 12-week clinical study,

AUSTEDO significantly
reduced HD chorea1

People taking AUSTEDO saw more than
2x reduction in HD chorea vs placebo.*

With Austedo® there was more than twice the reduction in involuntary body movements at 12 weeks compared with placebo.

*4.4-point improvement in people taking AUSTEDO vs 1.9 in people taking placebo based on Total Maximal Chorea (TMC) score. The TMC score is used to measure HD chorea movements in the face, mouth, trunk, both arms, and both legs.1,2

established safety results

~3 years3

This was an open-label study, which is a drug trial in which all participants are aware of the drug being tested.4

51 percent of HD patients on Austedo saw treatment success. 42 percent of doctors saw treatment success.

People reported improvement in HD chorea symptoms1,2

Both doctors and people with HD chorea on AUSTEDO rated symptoms as “very much improved” or “much improved” at 12 weeks with AUSTEDO.

Treatment success is measured by perceived improvement in TMC score.

51 percent of HD patients on Austedo saw treatment success. 42 percent of doctors saw treatment success. 51 percent of HD patients on Austedo saw treatment success. 42 percent of doctors saw treatment success.

People reported improvement in their ability to perform daily activities like2,5:

  • Climbing stairs
  • Bending, kneeling, or stooping
  • Lifting/carrying groceries
  • Walking
  • Dressing
  • Bathing
  • Moderate to vigorous activities

People taking AUSTEDO achieved greater improvement in the SF-36§ Physical Functioning Score at 12 weeks vs placebo.

See study details

§SF-36=36-Item Short Form Health Survey assessing health-related quality of life.

AUSTEDO XR/AUSTEDO does not cure the cause of the involuntary movements and it does not
treat the other symptoms of HD, such as problems with thinking or emotions.1

See why Ray and Rhonda made the decision to treat HD chorea

See why Ray and Rhonda made the decision to treat HD chorea

When HD chorea threatened to disrupt Ray and Rhonda's retirement plans, they knew it was time to ask Ray's doctor about treatment options.

Track your progress

Download the HD Chorea Treatment Tracking Guide to record when
AUSTEDO XR is taken and note any questions for your healthcare provider.

Treatment Tracking Guide

Start the conversation now

Whether you're ready to start medication or planning
ahead, talking to a healthcare provider (for example, your doctor or nurse practitioner) is an important step.

Check out the guide


1. AUSTEDO® XR (deutetrabenazine) extended-release tablets/AUSTEDO® tablets current Prescribing Information. Parsippany, NJ: Teva Neuroscience, Inc.

2. Data on file. Parsippany, NJ: Teva Neuroscience, Inc.

3. Frank S, Testa CM, Stamler D, et al; Huntington Study Group ARC-HD Investigators. Long-term efficacy and safety of deutetrabenazine for chorea in Huntington's disease: results from the ARC-HD open-label study. Poster presented at: 27th Annual Meeting of the Huntington Study Group (HSG); October 29-31, 2020.

4. Open-label. Merriam-Webster. Updated January 1, 2024. Accessed January 24, 2024.

5. Burgess JC, Davis B, Fogarty E, et al. Caregiver Guide for Mid to Late Stage Huntington's Disease: For Long-Term Care Facilities and In-Home Care Agencies. Huntington's Disease Society of America; 2014. Accessed January 24, 2024.