for HD Chorea in Adults


Learn more about Huntington's disease (HD) chorea, patient support, and treatment with
AUSTEDO XR (deutetrabenazine) extended-release tablets in these downloadable guides.

Talking to your doctor about HD chorea & AUSTEDO XR

Austedo Doctor Discussion Guide.

Appointment Preparation Guide

Use this resource at your next appointment—whether in person or through telemedicine—to help you and your doctor decide if AUSTEDO XR is right for you.

Download PDF
Austedo Treatment Information Brochure.

Treatment Information

Learn more about AUSTEDO XR and how it
may help treat HD chorea.

Download PDF

Telemedicine appointment tips

Online video: Use the guide to show your doctor where you experience involuntary movements.

Phone: Use words and phrases in the guide to help describe the location of your involuntary movements to your doctor.

Starting & staying on treatment

Austedo Treatment Tracking Brochure.

Treatment Tracking Brochure

Helpful guidance for establishing a dosing schedule and taking AUSTEDO XR as prescribed by your doctor.

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Receive updates

Sign up to have information about
AUSTEDO XR tablets and HD chorea
emailed to you.

Register for updates

Financial support

Teva Shared Solutions® Financial Brochure.

Financial Brochure

Learn more about financial assistance options available through Teva Shared Solutions® including the 30-day Free Trial Voucher and $0 copay card.

Download PDF
Teva Shared Solutions® Brochure.

Welcome to Teva Shared Solutions®

Teva Shared Solutions is your partner every step of the way, from starting your prescription to obtaining financial assistance offerings. Our range of services can guide you toward a plan for starting and staying on AUSTEDO XR.

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